viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

my ideal school

my serious ideal school: to have 5 daily hours of classes with a rest of half hour, without using uniform, with simple classes, without a lot of task and to have physical education.
That the soccer is a matter and that there are children and girls.
The rules of the school would be:
1. - to have half hour of tolerance to enter to the school
2. - to be able to allow to enter with balls
3. - the school has scholarships
4. - the food is free

1 comentario:

  1. Checa por favor el ejercicio de la página 13, comienza por decir en donde estaría tu escuela idea. Ej. "My ideal school is near the sea"

    Además casi todas las oraciones que escribiste no estan bien conjugadas en lugar de "without using uniform" podrias escribir "There isn't a uniform" (no hay uniforme)

    "We would attend school just for 5 hours a day" (Asistiremos a la escuela por solo 5 horas al día)

    Por favor fijate tambien en los sentence builders que tienes en tus libros y haz las correcciones necesarias antes de la fecha de entrega.
